Zombie Monster Truck Play Online

Opis igrice

Vozite kroz post-apokaliptični svet. Svaka od 12 faza sastoji se od tri nivoa koje morate završiti sa izabranim autom. Morate stalno nadograđivati automobil kako biste završili nivoe. Sa svakom novom otključanom fazom dolazi novi automobil. Pokušajte sa svim.


Finish all levels. Earn coins with each run to upgrade your car and drive even further. There are many zombies and other obstacles on your way to the finish line. Complete daily quests, or collect all hidden chests to claim extra rewards. Don’t forget to upgrade the cars or you won’t escape.

Slične igrice

 Zombies Jump Zombies at the Beach Zombie Curse Zombie Mission 3 Zombie Gunpocalypse Zombies Shooter Part 2 Zombie D Survival Offline Zombie Chase

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