Zombie Gunpocalypse 2 Play Online

Opis igrice

Zabavite se sa ovom novom igrom, drugim delom fantastične igre o zombijima!!! U ovoj novoj igri sa kiz10.com Zombie Gunpocalypse 2 ponovo ćete pokušati da preživite apokalipsu zombija u kojoj je svet zaražen epidemijom i svi ljudi su se pretvorili u zombije!!! Uživajte u ovoj novoj igri o zombijima sa novim nivoima i mnogo više zabave.


The world is still covered by apocalyptic plague of zombies. Their numbers are increasing but your ammo is limited. So once again, playing smart is the best way to survive the missions. Now, more survivors are waiting to be recruited and join your quest to wipe out all the living deads!

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