Noob VS. Spider Train Play Online

Opis igrice

Noob se bori protiv Spiderskog voza! Trči od paklenog voza kroz svet Minecraft univerzuma: kroz šume, pustinju, grad, mora i podzemlje. Čarls nije samo brzi trkač i bolni borac - on puca vatru. Zato budi oprezan i izbegavaj prepreke na svom putu i projektilima. Prikupi dijamante da otključaš nove lokacije i likove.


Controls on the computer: A - moves the character to the right. D - moves the character to the left. W - jumps. S - slides (for sliding under obstacles). Controls on the mobile phone: Swipe left or right across the screen with your finger to move the character. Swipe up to jump, swipe down to slide.

Slične igrice

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