Pobedite neprijatelje i moći ćete da igrate kao oni. Koji stvor mislite da je najbolji? Trčite kroz nivoe sakupljajući dijamante i moćne projektile. Oslobodite svoju municiju na mnoge fantastične zveri koje se usuđuju da vas izazovu.
You will learn your enemies weaknesses by defeating them a couple of times. Then you will capture them & will be able to play & fight as them. Who is your favorite strongest creature? There are many and varied creatures living in this world. Will you find them all? Run through levels collecting priceless gems & devastating bullets, which double your damage! Unleash your ammo unto many beasts that stand in your way. But what’s that on the horizon? Kaiju behemoths! Is it possible to stop them?
Igrate Monster Collect Run. Takođe možete igrati neku od drugih sjajnih igrica u sličnim kategorijama:
samo na igricezadecu.rs!