Endless Hands Play Online

Opis igrice

Da li je vaša reakcija dovoljno brza? Pokušajte sa Beskonačnim Rukama! Ovde ćete se boriti sa svim vrstama ruku. Možete li pomoći kuvarima da naprave ukusne pizze? Izazivajte se i testirajte svoj mozak sa Beskonačnim Rukama sada! Koliko nivoa možete proći?


How to play: 1. Tap on the screen to place the ingredients on the pizza in the order requested by the guest. 2. Tap continuously and quickly to add sauce to the pizza. 3. Pay attention to the movement of the thief (in black), he will steal the pizza! 4. Also pay attention to the troublemaker (in red), no one knows what he will add to the pizza! 5. Square family pizza, equivalent to two round pizzas! The increase in size does not increase the price. Guests will love it!

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